About us

Welcome to Fidget and Focus

Hey there, welcome to our little corner of the internet! At Fidget and Focus, we're not just about selling mugs; we're about creating a cozy space where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood.

Our journey started with a simple idea: why not celebrate the quirks and strengths of the ADHD and neurodiverse community? And so, Fidget and Focus was born - a labor of love, fueled by our shared experiences and a passion for spreading positivity.

Our mugs? They're more than just vessels for your favorite beverage; they're like little companions, cheering you on through the ups and downs of daily life.

So, what makes us different? Well, for starters, we're all about keeping it real. No fancy sales pitches or corporate jargon here - just genuine connections and a whole lot of heart.

From the founder:

Hey all! Scott here! Thanks for dropping by! I'm the face behind Fidget and Focus, but really, this is OUR space. As someone who lives the ADHD life, I know firsthand how important it is to feel understood and supported.

Fidget and Focus isn't just a brand; it's a community. So whether you're here to browse our designs, share a laugh, or simply hang out with like-minded souls, know that you're always welcome here. Remember to join the Fidget and Focus Facebook page, too! 

Let's make this journey together, one sip at a time. Cheers to authenticity, connection, and embracing our beautiful, diverse selves.